Friday, May 2, 2008

It is Morel Mushroom Time!

Spring is here and mushroom hunting season is here! The Morel mushroom is not only one of the tastiest fungi around, but it is easy to identify. Hunting them is lots of fun. Like any type of hunting, the anticipation is as enjoyable as actually finding them.

For the most part, I look for them but do not pick. In many cases I actually hide the mushroom with ferns. I am hoping that they will spread. While I am told it is not possible, I think our area was over picked. When the kids were young, we searched for them throughout the season. Their eyes were outstanding and as a result, I think we may have picked too many.
But that does not mean I always do the catch and release like the trout fisherman. (More correctly referred to as "torture and release".) We certainly always have a meal with the morels and I dry some for the kids to use.

We have a wide range of delicious, edible fungi. Unfortunately, they are more difficult to identify. Some look very similar to mushrooms that are poisonous, or will at least produce a severe reaction in some people.

I am told that the shelf mushroom is very good but I do not have a clue as how to prepare. I would appreciate your recipe for any of our fungi.